Thursday, March 31, 2005

... stay optimistic ...

people around me are feeling depressed. i cannot help it but to feel the same way too. we have expectations and in an ideal case, it is best if we can meet all of them. sometimes, reality just does not allow that. mental block, you are not in luck on that day, carelessness... you name it. but to me, what's most important is to be able to recover from that fall in the shortest possible time. it's pointless to keep thinking why didn't i do this or that before it because i cannot change the end product. remember that time only moves forward? it's normal to have such reaction initially but let it go soon. just let it go and move on with life. hope everyone, including myself will be in high spirit again next week. =D

tough decision. i do not know what's best for me. i asked around, sought for advice and came to this conclusion. i do not know if i have made the right choice yet. time will reveal the answer soon. i know this route will be rocky and steep, but i will perserve on because i have their support. i hate to disappoint myself but i hate it even more to disappoint those who believe and support me along the way. i hate to cry because it is the first sign of me being weak, on the verge of collapsing. it will be painful if i fail again. but i will try harder and harder till i succeed on that day. i never believe in i reap what i sow because it never happens on me. but i still hope that hardwork and effort will pay off on that day.

victory is not determined by the score, but by the players' performance
you just tripped over a small hurdle but you have more wider and taller hurdles to jump over
hang in there

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